Sunday, June 3, 2007
Pre-discussion "When does the responsibility lie?"
Indeed it is up to our governments to make sure the general safety of citizens is not threatened by minority groups, lobbies or private interests. Actually, it is one of the main responsibilities of a government. For instance, if a company starts to sell a product that could be harmful for citizen's health, it will undermine the government budget because healthcare expenses will dramatically increase. It's a high cost for a government and for society in general. Moreover, if every company sells whatever it wants, regarless from rules and guidelines, it will engender anarchy and prevent any citizen from a sustainable development.
Q5 : Should individuals be free to choose risky behavior if they want to? Explain
We have to be careful and make a clear distinction between the individual interest and the general interest. As long as an individual interest or behavior does not threaten other individuals interest or general interest, people are free to have the behavior they want to. Smoking is a good example. People are allowed to smoke at home or outside in the street. But when they start to "poison" or "pollute" other people or children lives, it becomes a big issue. To sum up, the individual freedom ends up when other people's freedom starts.
Feedback on my Research Project : Pandemic Flu

Research Paper
1. Do you think your writing has improved overall by doing this paper? Explain.
Paraphrasing helps a lot to improve writing skills.
2. What are some of the skills you improved in while doing the paper?
Reading several books and articles in english, summarizing main ideas and trying to put them in a consistent plan seem to be a very good warm-up for the MBA program.
3. How do you feel about your paper?
I think I have done a good job!
Some topics were very interesting and I learned quite useful things. I believe everything relies on the speaker. It's up to him or her to make a presentation attractive for the audience
2. What did you learn about presentation techniques while listening to them?
Well... I have have some background on presentations techniques so I didn't learn more than I already know
3. What did you learn during the process of preparing for your presentations?
A good rehearsal can improve the quality of your presentation. it makes all parts of the presentation connected.
4. Were you satisfied with you own presentation?
Yes. It was a challenge to make a scientific issue (bird flu) interesting and to turn it into an understandable topic for my classmates
Comments on the Public Lecture Project
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Academic Skills : Getting More out of Lectures
One way to be more effective in learning out of lectures is "clever" note taking. The text gives some suggestions in order to have an "active listening". That means that after a lecture, a student should be able to give mains arguments and some supporting ideas. I think that note taking will allow students to remember arguments for a certain period of time, to review them anytime and thus to perform in a course. A passive listening is not recommended because students would rarely remember more than 5% of a lecture if they don't have any notes.
I also agree that students should not act as "human tape recorders", writing the lecturer's speech word by word. In order to remember the main points of a lecture, students would better paraphrase them and combine non verbal signals that could be very useful to understand the instructor's point of view.
If anything is not understood, students should not feel embarassed. They should ask questions to clarify it.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Some thoughts about World Population increase
Lately, we noticed a '' rebound” of
Set up at the end of the Seventies, the Chinese family planning policy allows urban couples to have only one child, while the rural couples are limited to 2 children. The goal of such a policy is to control the population growth while preserving natural resources in the country. Couples who exceed the limited number of children have to pay taxes.
However, the increase in the incomes implies that the new rich generation can disregard these rules by paying penalties envisaged by the law. The official agency Xinhua indicates that the number of rich person and celebrities who have more than one child is dramatically rising, and nearly 10% of them have even three children and more. (La Chine s’inquiète d’un rebond de sa population, 7 May 2007. Le Monde).
Another factor of increase in the population seems critical: the return to early marriages in the countryside. It is encouraged by the traditional wish of the families to have male heirs. The Chinese Constitution indicates that men can marry starting from 22 years-old while women can at 20 years-old. Late marriages are encouraged in order to slow down the demographic growth.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Definition of Happiness
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Algerian Blasts by Unit of Al Qaeda Kill at least 23
Actually, bombing attacks rised all through the Maghreb region. In december and January, Tunisian security forces killed 12 islamic terrorists and captured others. In Morocco, 3 days ago, 3 suicide bombers blow themselves up when the police tryed to capture them. Governments of theese countries fear that such an extended terror coalition destabilize the whole region. Al Qaeda in the Maghreb could also be a threat to France. A large population from Algeria is living in France and the traffic between the 2 countries is huge enough to be well controlled. Moreover, the 2 countries have elections in May and experts believe that a potential of attack will be very high.
I'm very shocked to see how a terrorist organization is expanding. I do really not understand what are the requests of such terrorists, especially in this region. What do they mean by "liberate countries from foreign forces" or "islamic land"? They are killing their own citizens and absolutly nothing can justify to kill innocent people. No religion could accept this.
However, I don't believe that those attacks are necessarily coordinated between the terrorist wing of each country. Remote detonations are more sophisticated in Algeria while they are still basic in Morocco. At this time, Al Qaeda Maghreb is embryonic as a regional terrorist movement, more inspired by the Nebula of al Qaeda group. As the terrorist organisation is improving its technics and coordination between all its branches, it will become a real and permanent threat for the whole region stability.